31 Weather Tracker Wind Chill Chart

The Wind chill Index, or Chill Factor, depends on two things: temperature and wind speed. Higher Wind speed and lower temperature together make the temperature feel colder than it actually is.

To use this chart, locate temperature along the left-hand column and the windspeed across the top row. The Wind Chill is the number at the intersection of that row and column.

Wind Speed-MPH
Calm 5101520253035
(Degrees F)
45 43 34 29 26 23 21 20
40 37 28 23 19 16 13 12
35 32 22 16 12 8 6 4
30 27 16 9 4 1 -2 -4
25 22 10 2 -3 -7 -10 -12
20 16 3 -5 -10 -15 -18 -20
15 11 -3 -11 -17 -22 -25 -27
10 6 -9 -18 -24 -29 -33 -35
5 0 -15 -25 -31 -36 -41 -43
0 -5 -22 -31 -39 -44 -49 -52
-5 -10 -27 -38 -46 -51 -59 -64
-10 -15 -34 -45 -51 -59 -64 -67
-15 -21 -40 -51 -60 -66 -71 -74
-20 -26 -46 -58 -67 -74 -79 -82
-25 -31 -52 -65 -74 -81 -86 -89

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