Dennis Packard


It's great hearing from you again. I remember my formative years as an engineer fondly while working at 31! It was never dull working for Cactus and the news department's video cameras. Do you remember the camera that came in with a fuzzy picture? I remember how you invited all the photographers to come by and see you for a chat on camera care, all the while playing with the $600.00 cracked prism you used as a paper weight.

I remember Bob Sullivan as well. I will never forget the time I was fussing at him over something. I said that things were not fair! Bob, looked me in the eye and with his calm monotone voice, said, "no body ever said life was fair"! From that moment on, I forgot about the problem. I was not at 31 when Bob passed away but I will always remember him.

I am now working as an audio visual engineer for SAIC, INC, a government contractor here in Huntsville.

I will be delighted to come to the reunion. Thanks for the invite.

Dennis Packard
WAAY TV 31, 1980-1983

© 2003 Smith Broadcasting, Inc. [update 8-12-2003]