Helen Howard Carroll 1980-1985

Surprise party, Dick Van Valkenburg and photos of other events

One of my favorites was the night we gave REX (and what WAS his last name) the live truck operator a surprise party.

Dick Van Valkenburg made elaborate arrangements with fire, ambulance, and police to set up a crime scene, complete with body at an apartment complex (where a 31 staffer happened to live). We called REX out to the scene....and when he got there, set up the truck, grabbed a camera, sirens were wailing, lights flashing. Suddenly, the body jumped up to greet him(anyone remember who played the body?) and we all jumped out of bushes and from behind trees. It was great!

Speaking of Dick ---there was the terrible day when he had his first heart attack in the newsroom. About 4 pm, just after the last call for the film run on the news. He was in the audio booth recording his track, but had the presence of mind to open the door before falling to the floor. Wayne Matthews, I believe, performed CPR while waiting for the ambulance. I was out on a late story...and arrived back in the newsroom as they where carrying the gurney down the stairs.

I'll send more as they bubble up to the surface. Again, I'm so sorry I won't be there....please keep me in the loop and on the mailing list with all the pictures, etc. I would LOVE, LOVE to have a copy of the memory tape you play. If I send you an envelope and tape could you make me a dub?

[ comment from later email about LuAnn Cahn -http://www.nbc10.com/nbc10/1225396/detail.html ]

I did not know her well, and am sure she wouldn't remember me. I knew her more as a "fan" watching from over in Florence.

That was one of the most overwhelming and exciting parts of coming to work at WAAY for me --I grew up watching it from Florence. To us, WAAY might as well have been in NYC. So, when I started working with Adrian, and Brenda, and all the people I had watched regularly for years, it was quite special.

Photos and people of Early 80's

Steve Newvine, Heather Burns, Bill Bocking (where is he?)

Julie Martin, Julie's husband, and Bruce Hutson

Left to right
Jim Keller (now at Boeing)
Jim Miller (owns his own independent international news production co.)
Bruce Hutson (now free lance videographer based in Seattle. Does much work for the Discovery Channel)
Jim Marsh ---unknown where he is now. Saw him in LA in the late 80s.
Vaune Newvine (seated)
Steve Newvine (my former co-anchor, now Exec Director of the Livingston Co. Chamber of Commerce in NY)
Wayne Matthews (behind tree ---selling insurance in Orlando area)
Wayne's wife Darlene (well, his wife for a short time…)
Patty Sullivan
Standing is Mike Sullivan holding his son, Colin.

1981 Christmas Parade….
Kelly Cooper, Dave Cody and Jim Marsh in the foreground with producer Jim Miller and the Shoals Bureau Chief (whose name I'm forgetting) behind.

John Stanners, Jamie Cooper and Andy Counts

© 2003 Smith Broadcasting, Inc. [update 8-6-2003]