Kirk Chaisson - The Investigators Team

Hello Mr. Smith,

I worked at Channel 31 from August of 1989 until May of 1994. I'm currently a general assignment reporter for KTVA-TV in Anchorage, and I've been up here for five years. When I left WAAY I went back to Guam to become the news director for Guam Cable TV, which I did for three years, then I worked for seven months as a general assignment reporter for KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, before taking this job up here, to create and serve as the lead reporter for a statewide newsmagazine program called Inside Alaska. I've seen most of the state.

But the station was sold,the show cancelled, and now I'm trying to make a move to the TimeWarner cable operation in Houston. I fly down there tomorrow for an interview. My years at WAAY were some of the best in my career so far. While there my have been some editorial differences, I always felt I was treated fairly and professionally, which is more than I can say for some of the other places I've worked. I hope all is well with you and your family.


Kirk Chaisson

[editor's note: I asked Kirk did he remember the tornado of '89 and this is his response]

Mr. Smith,

Interesting response. In fact I had just arrived in Huntsvile when the twister hit, but that is not very high on my list of recollections, because I was new there and didn't do much reporting on that particular story.

What I remember most is the several hidden camera and other undercover investigations that Jeff Raker and I did, in which both he and I literally put our lives on the line at least a half a dozen times, whether it was stories about the Ku Klux Klan, murderers on Sand Mountain near Scottsboro, or any other number of award winning investigations. Don and Heather anchored, and we did some pretty good T.V., certainly just a small part of the great T.V. you facilitated over the years.

© 2003 Smith Broadcasting, Inc. [update 6-26-2003]