31 Alumni Reunion Logo Items

Everyone who came to the 31 Alumni Reunion was given the first three items as a gift. There was a keychain, a can Huggie and an insulated Drinking Mug with logo and date on it.

We had 25 specially printed T-Shirts made that had a small logo on the pocket area and a large logo with date on the back of the shirt. We gave them away as door prizes. Because of the small quantity, they were pretty expensive. We did hear of several people who asked if it might be possible to buy one. The answer is YES. In the next several weeks, send a check for the item(s) you want (specify shirt size) and we will get them mailed to you. Please allow several weeks on the shirt as they have to be printed when I get an order for several to make it worth the printer setting up ink to print them.

A set of the three small logo items that were given free, will only cost you $6 for postage and shipping box. The T-Shirt will be $12.00 with shipping and package. There can be made copies of the video tape presentation I showed that lasted one hour and forty minutes, of clips of newscasts, promos, special events, bloopers and the tribute tape made by the staff featuring Johnny Evans, Cactus and Adrian Gibson. This video tape will be $10.00 with shipping.

Tape was shot of the reunion and primarily of each person who got up on the platform and introduced themself. I plan to get an edited version digitized and placed on the web site. You can download it for free. However, if you want a tape copy of it, it will also be available for $10.00 with shipping included.

Send your order to:
M.D. Smith
Smith Broacasting, Inc.
307 Clinton Avenue, Suite 100
Huntsville, AL 35801

© 2003 Smith Broadcasting, Inc. [update 8-26-2003]