- Ask Dr. Math
- Got a math problem that's giving you a headache? You may just find the help you need somewhere on Ask Dr. Math. You can even send Dr. Math your own math questions.
- The Geometry Center
- Just about everything you ever needed to know about geometry.
- The Internet Center for Math Problems
Space & Astronomy
- The 9 Planets: A Tour of our Solar System
- Here's your chance to boldly go...well, you know the rest of it. The Solar System Tour is quite cool and it's a good close second to going there.
- Astronomy and Space Stuff
- A BIG collection of places on the Internet having to do with Space and Astronomy.
- The NASA Home Page
- Nasa's Space Calendar
- Sun/Moonrise and Sun/Moonset
- Find out the sunrise and sunset and moonrise and moonset from anywhere, well, anywhere on Earth.
- What's Up in the Sky
- Sky & Telescope's guide to where-to-look and what-to-watch guide to the night sky.
General Science
- Beakman's World
- The Discovery Channel Home Page
- Volcano World
- University of Washington's List of Science Links
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Among many, many other things are links to news about the latest Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
- The CIA World Fact Book (1995 edition)
- A lot of stuff about every country in the world. It's even better than an encyclopedia and even though it's from the CIA none of it's a secret. Just to try it out I clicked on
Iceland and found out...well, try it yourself and see.
- Color Landform Atlas of the United States
- Really nice maps of the United States.
- United Nations Home Page
- Not only stuff about the UN, but also all the news about what the different countries of the world are talking about.
- The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
- Online maps for almost every place in the world.
- History of the U.S.
- History of the United States from Mississippi State University
- Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
- World History Archives
- A collection of documents that support an understanding of world history and the struggle for social progress.
English & Literature
- The Children's Literature Web Guide
- The Electronic Library
- Ok, this is not just literature, but is an online library that seems to have been made for help in writing term papers.
- Library of Congress
- Greek Mythology
- The Internet Classics Archive
- The On-line Books Page
- Project Gutenburg
- It happens all the time. All the copies of the book you need for the report due next week have been bought or checked out. Well, try Project Gutenburg for online versions of hundreds of books.
- Public Libraries Online
- This is a huge link list of all the public libraries that are online.
- Writing Center Online
- Everything to do with writing research papers and essays except for what to write about, of course.
- Biology News
- The Biology Place
- The Electronic Zoo
- The North American Breeding Bird Survey
- All kinds of good stuff about birds in North America including a
collection of pictures of the common species and an online
Bird Identification Game.
- Sea World Animal Information Database
- Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
- Ok, so it's a little gross, but it's a great way to see what makes a frog work without hurting a real frog.
- Yahoo's List of Biology Places
- State Home pages
- A list of links to all the states' official home pages. Some of these pages are full of good stuff. Some are not.
- The White House Home Page
- Links to lots of government places.
- Thomas
- The U.S. Congress Home Page.
- The White House for Kids
- US City Home pages
- Cloud Catalog
- Charles Boley's Weather Stuff Online
- WAAY-TV Weather Page
- WAAY-TV maintains a large list of weather stuff from all over the Internet.
- National Hurricane Center
- An Online Guide to Meteorology
- An electronic texbook from the University of Illinois.
- Purdue Weather Processor
- Everything about the current weather.
- Webster's Dictionary
- You're online and suddenly realize you really need to know what a
zwieback is. Well the online Webster's Dictionary is the place to find out.
- Of course, Webster's isn't the only dictionary online:
The Biographical Dictionary
Rhyming Dictionary
American Sign Language Dictionary
- The Online Reference Shelf
- A lot more than just dictionaries. I really like the Acronym finder.
Other Good Stuff
- c|net
- The latest news about what's going on in the online world plus the latest software, gossip, and groundless rumors (these are my personal favorites).
- Education Place
- News Web
- The National Press Club
- Links to all kinds of news and online news search sites.
- The Smithsonian